Remote Reiki Healing

Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy, "Rei" meaning Universal and "ki" meaning Energy. It's a Japanese form of hands-on and energy healing. There is no time or space barrier when it comes to Energy Healing! For this reason, I offer ‘Long-Distant’ or ‘Remote’ Reiki Sessions directed to you. I will use the Long-Distant Reiki Symbol to connect with your energy and channel Reiki to you. Healing energy works throughout the week and follow up sessions are encouraged for a deeper healing experience or combined with other form of healings I offer.


  • Universal Source Energy directed to you

  • Relieves Stress, Anxiety and Depression by moving your energies

  • Reiki balances your chakras

  • Deep energetic release and may cause intense emotional/physical release

  • Assists with all other healing modalities

  • Healing is directed to your Higher Self

  • Make sure to follow up with doing some type of spiritual practice!

Note: I will send you a video saying your name and doing the Long-Distant Reiki for up to 10 minutes. Package is done every week

$25 per 10 min session

$75 4 Session Package

Spiritual Healing Treatment

Spiritual Healing Treatment has the potential to address everything from depression to chronic illnesses, as well as everyday challenges like lack of vision, purpose, energy, or abundance. This approach is for anyone seeking healing or resolution through spiritual methods or the Quantum level. There is no one-size-fits-all formula for treatment; each session is uniquely tailored and inspired by the individual needs of the patient. At its core, spiritual healing involves letting go of discouraging thoughts, recognizing the presence of divine Love, and affirming spiritual principles of health and harmony.

The process of spiritual healing is both simple and practical. It begins with the understanding of the patient’s inherent wholeness and worth, without relying on drugs, physical therapy, or counseling. Spiritual healing is a fulfilling experience, though it often involves releasing old habits and embracing a new identity as the "image and likeness of God” your Divine Blueprint.

Spiritual Healing Treatment is specific Truth applied to one person’s request for help as it works at the deepest level - the Quantum!


  • As soon as I’m made aware of it, I will give the Spiritual Treatment (s).

  • Treatment can be given for a specific physical, mental, emotional, ethical or psychic issues or for general healing.

  • Great for financial wellbeing & Employment that suits your talents. Or help you all with matters of abundance.

  • Most Ancient form of Healing!

  • Helps Businesses to increase supply, crops and other commercial ventures.

  • It can be done for unusual weather patterns too.

  • No photo required.

  • No Zoom call required but can be done on a zoom call. Up to you!

  • Can be done via email by

$50 for Individual per day

$75 per day for Consciously Aligned Businesses

For Yourself or Another
Increase Supply, Health Issues, Crops, or Weather affecting Biz

What to expect:

You may experience feelings of peace, a sense of release, relaxation and if you're sensitive to energy, tingling or waves of warmth. Everyone experiences healing energy and spiritual treatments differently. Don't worry if you don't feel nothing, every form of healing works on many levels on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.  You may have an emotional release during the session or during the week as it is releasing blocked energy patterns that we all have. No one can guarantee results, not even the medical industry, ALL Healing occurs in your consciousness! Please work alongside your medical team with awareness as we embrace every form of healing support!

Just like a medical physician's legal code of ethics and confidentially when treating their patients, there is also a strict sacred code of ethics and confidentiality that David upholds.

Diiclaimer: I cannot diagnose, treat or prevent illness as I’m not a doctor, please consult your physician.